Monday, January 7, 2008

This n' That

I've been so caught up in life lately, I haven't really worked on much in the crafty department. I forgot, even, to take pictures of all the knitting I did for xmas. Foo. I did get pics of the fingerless gloves I made for my mom. They were so much fun I made some for my brother too. And I am working on a pair for myself (slowly..I keep getting distracted.)

I keep meaning to go out and take some pictures of the birch trees right out side the kitchen, the rain collects on the branches just so, in little droplets and it's so pretty. All strung along in a row.

It's been a good year so far, I feel this is auspicious, I've been going out a lot, doing stuff, seeing friends, dancing with coworkers, seeing (and listening with ear plugs) experimental music, watchin' movies, looking at art, working on projects, walking around, shopping at goodwill... (I got a sweet vintage dress...!) I've somehow lost a good chunk of weight. I need new pants, they are all falling off my ass and it's driving me nuts. I need to learn how to alter clothes one of these days. Add it to the list. And I have mostly figured out the driving, even hills! And now that I am more comfortable with the stick, damn, is it fun to drive the darned thing. Vroom. I need a road trip! Life is good. As they say.

It's really something then people you know and see often, and people you haven't seen in awhile notice something about you is different, you look great, happy, etc. And it's not that you have changed you appearance, it's that somthing IN you has changed. I've been getting this a whole lot lately and it's really uplifting. I don't think that people every really notice me much, I don't think I stand out or anything, I don't generally like to be noticed... I doubt myself so much...So it feels good to have that sort of validation from people. Comforting.

I'm starting up a knit night with one of my co-workers for work, our first meeting is Sunday. I'm a bit nervous because a lot of the folks interested don't knit, they want to learn. I know teaching is what I DO, but still nervous. I'm not an expert knitter, but I think I can show people how. I hope it goes well, it should be a really fun thing to do regularly.

I feel like entertaining. I love cooking and having people over for dinner parties and games and conversation, so do my close friends. We are long over due for a dinner thing (Right miss J9?? this comment is directed at you..Dawn doesn't read this, I don't think...) And there has never been a proper housewarming for my roommate. I think sometime in the next month, this should happen. Potluck. This house needs some warming. Hmm...


Anonymous said...

::Ears perk up, head lifts, nose points up into the wind:: Yes, yes? Dinner, you say? Long-overdue? Entertaining? Housewarming? Yes, yes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and also, those are really lovely gloves. Someday you will have to tell me how you made them.

Sue said...

I LOVE my gloves! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have warm hands and fingers still able to be functional! Darn, I want to learn how to knit better....