Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer's End

July... August... where does the time go? I have no real answer to that but it's gone. It's been a nice mellow fairly uneventful summer. And that's good. Work is a lot of work these days so down time is valued for being just that...time to wind down. B and I have done a lot of cool stuff round the city. I can't remember what all really... but most recently, the bike camping-fiasco-adventure-educational experience, and Last Thursday, which was last night, and I think it could be fun to do again when I am less tired and not hungry, which i was and just amplifies my social anxiety. Tomorrow we head of by train to Spokane ( I love saying train to Spokane, all rhymey even if it means pronouncing Spokane wrong)for Labour day weekend with his fam. (Update, I didn;t get this posted before I left so, it was a fun Labor day!!)

Other eventful things going on:
Squirrels eat my tomatoes. Ungrateful if adorable beasts. We feed them all kinds of goodies (otherwise they eat the bird seed.)and they repay us thus? my tomatoes! arrrrg.
the garden is awesome this summer, lots of good food has come out of it and still is. Thwarted somewhat by cabbage moths and aphids but it could be worse.
Knitting a baby blanket for a co worker, it's coming along at decent speed. the child was born on my birthday!
My 31st birthday was quiet and unassuming and relaxing. Awesome.
I have un-photographed craft things I have done to my 'office space' in my room. curtins for the shelves and decoupage on the desk front. someday i will have pics. I have been lazy.
B and I are on the hunt for a new living situation, a nice place in a quiet neighborhood near where we spend most of our time, closer to work, for me, off a busy street etc. I hope we find a place similar to what I have now, but east of the river and not as uh, derelict. =) It's charming in it's derelictness though. Mostly I would miss having a yard to garden in, but that is hard to come by. I'll settle for a bathtub. =) ( Which is funny because I gave up a bathtub for the garden when I moved here.) Anyways wish us luck, we're not in a hurry, but sometime before the rains come, due to B's mold sensitivity. I'm thinking by November.

1 comment:

BurdockBoy said...

Hey there. This is Quinn up in Sandpoint, ID. I got the link to your blog from Mohs email-great pics of the babies by the way.

I'll stop by again. My laptop is almost out of juice and I don't have my cord.