Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Library Thing

So for months now I have been wanting to try, try being operative word here, to upload my library onto this site. I discovered it via Mr. Gaiman's blog a long while ago. And, not doubt, he has a great many more books than I.(And, it is worth nothing he has not uploaded his own library to it yet for more or less this reason.) I, however, do have a great many books. Books on the shelves, books in stacks, books in the bedroom, books in the basement, books in the closet and books that will someday join these books as I cannot seem to stop buying them.
Library Thing is awesome, but there is considerable time required to use it, unless you own 20 books or so. I am rather looking forward to getting suggestions based on my library compared to others' libraries who own the same books. I think I will find exciting new things to read.
I have only uploaded some of the fantasy and sci-fi books I own. Some. The authors that I collect religiously or love and remember off hand. Single non-fiction titles will take more time to input as I will likely need a stack of books at hand to type in one by one. And then, then there is Matt's books...but he can do those if he wants.
Anyway, this site has cool features that you do NOT need to enter in your whole entire library to use, such as the un-suggestion engine. Just trust me and go.
I did not know there was a blog widget for it until J9 put one up. Thanks J9.


Unknown said...

Whoo woo! I love LibraryThing!

Sue said...

Ok, this is extremely exciting. I love the idea ..... !