Thursday, April 12, 2007

Door pt.2

These are the doors that were hung in the frame for the bedroom. The closet door frame is really wonky, one side tilts way out to the left. But the yarn on the knobs( that I installed) will keep the cats from climbing all over the place and knocking things of shelving.

The walls of the bedroom are purple, and it's a nice enough shade of purple, calming, like lavender or something. And since I went to all the bother of refinishing the door, I got a little arty with it. I do not recommend painting in a dim, dank basement. It dosn't show in the pic, and no one but me would prolly care, but the paint isn't as neat as I would like. But it will do. Also, the flash makes the purple look a little crazy, it's much more subdued than it seems.

So now I have door. And I am happy. And Matt helped me in the hanging of the door and it was a process, so I am glad he was around to help or it would stull be in the basement. I'm handy, but I only have two.=)
Pics of the knitted tank top later, it's still blocking.

1 comment:

Janine said...

those look great! hooray!