Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Furminated Max and other things...

So I was reading someone's knitting blog and they have a dog and they got this grooming tool called a FURminator. I looked at the website and read about what some others have said and it has quite the buzz going on. So I found a PetCo, they sell them, and got one. It's like 40$. Or 30, I forget. Anyways for a comb, it's expensive, but it is so much MORE than a comb. Check out Max here, a shorthair, and the ghostly pile of formerMax behind him...

Pretty stellar, and this was only a minute or two of brushing. Pixie and MAx BOTH got real calm and sedate and happy while being FURminated. It's like they KNEW that all the hair they want to get rid of in this 98 degree heat was being magically removed for them and with no messy hairballs to deal with. They love it. and man, I do recommend wearing clothes you don't mind pet hair on and a non-carpeted surface as this si rather messy. If you have (or think you have) pet allergies, you will know for sure after this. (oh yes, you will....)
Pretty awesome though.

And on a side note, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is amazing and the best HP movie yet I think. AMAZING!!! I HAVE TO SEE IT AGAINANDAGAINANDAGAIN!!!
that's all I shall say.


Sue said...

So, are you knitting a Max-y shawl? That looks like a great tool, I am going to get one too!

Janine said...

Yep. Caved. Picked up a furminator. Love it. Cat looks two years younger. :)