Sunday, July 22, 2007

Oh bother.

So I lied, I should have said, see you in less than 24 hours. I got home around 1, read till 3 something, slept till noon, went to get food around 1 and started reading again. A break here and there for this or that and I was done by 9:30pm. I can say nothing about the book, for that would be inappropriate. I will say I am really sorry I read it so fast, because now, it's all over. The last book, read. No more story! End of a series. I can only imagine how poignant this moment would be had I been there from the start, if I had started reading these when I was 11, the year Harry entered Hogwarts and had grown up with the books. As an adult who waited, several years, to read the books after the first movie came out, it's still unlike anything I have ever experienced with reading, ever. And I had started reading The Wheel of Time books a year or two after they began when I was 15. (and gave up on at 26...rat bastard, grumble grumble Mr. Jordan, grumble.) Nothing had affected me the way these books have. Not Tolkien, not Meredith Ann Peirce( She has her own very special place however.) not MZB, not Pullman, Rice, Carey, Weiz and Hickman, McCaffrey, Gaiman (gasp.) Nope. In my 29 and 9/10ths of life, Harry Potter has been unique, amazing, special and magical in ways no other book has ever been.
And the tale is told.
No more words to behold.
Just well read tattered covers
that will look more careworn and
well loved than the others
as I re-read them again, and again
and again.

thank you JKR, you have left a legacy.
I know it had to end, I am glad it did as authors are wont to not let go, but the best writers know when to end their tale. And that every tale should have an end.
It just all came to soon. Must, read, slower. next time. =)

1 comment:

Sue said...

I was wondering how you were getting along with Harry this weekend. Bittersweet times.