Friday, December 21, 2007

Small Exciting Things

It's been an exciting week (well, week and a half or so I guess, not week as in Sun-Sat), long tiring but many little happy things are coming to fruition or are seeds of potentiality.

This is the first year I have bought absolutely NOTHING as a gift for anyone. I have made (or am feverishly finishing) all my gifts this year. I did not step in a mall, I did not order a thing on line, and I did not fret over what to get anyone. And The making things? Not nearly as stressful as the buying of things, because of the inherent satisfaction of the creation of a useful object for someone else to enjoy.

After a harrowing journey to the DEQ (Oregon's smog check), while avoiding hills and not getting lost, I finally got to the DMV today to register my car. (Was slated for last week but well, last week was it's own thing.) I got special interest plates! I won;t get them till January because they are so spanking new. There is a new plate for Oregon called "Share the Road" and I'm getting it and that is exciting for me. =)

Most exciting is the event I organized at work and how it has magically come together into an amazing display of skin boat kayaks. It's better than I imagined and I'm so excited to see it in action with visitors. This is a big deal, it's a really cool event and I think, for me, a really big step in terms of what I do at work and branching out. I can;t wait for work tomorrow.

And then there are the little things like having several excellent times with friends old and new, which just reminds me how important the people in my life are to me and that I don't see some nearly as often as I should. Today I had dinner and knit at one such friend's house while her fiance made cookies and the other housemates knit and discussed things by the fire. Their home is the closest thing to what I feel as family I have here. And its all these little things, these little moments over dinner or drinks or beer, that keep me grounded and human sometimes.

I need more potlucks and outings this winter, it is soul warming, this human connection. I realise this as I sit at home alone, roommate gone for the holidays already and I'm soon to travel home myself, the warmth of hearth and home is unparalleled as my fingers blue here in my empty apartment. Sunday can't fly here soon enough!

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