Saturday, June 30, 2007

New side bar stuff

see! look to you <----left and there are new things. There is info on getting jam from me, it can be done! just ask!
(Unless you are visiting in August and then it might be prudent to RESERVE your jam and you can eat it on the ride home. But i really reccomend it on toast and not straight from the jar, that's just too sweet!)

you will also see a new photo section "Cute of the Month"
Supposedly I will update this with cute photos of animals and stuff each month, bigger photos will be uploaded to Photographia.
The squirrl is out neighborhood squirrl, she and the Jay birds, who are nesting right now, carouse around together and it's very cute, I have named her Chippy.


Sue said...

Matt is very cleaver and you are too! ...Could I reserve some raspberry jam? I promise to eat is on toast..! Love Mom

Janine said...

I shall not last the summer without some Cherry Jam. Please, and thank you. We shall have to arrange a trade of some kind, thought as we so often go to fetch fruit together, perhaps I will need to make something non-jammy for you.