Sunday, June 3, 2007

Out and About

I may be busy at work installing a large exhibit of plastinated bodies from Germany, but I have tried to get a whole lot done outside of work before the exhibit actually opens. Once it's open, my evenings are sort of gone 3 days of the week and it's going to be crazy busy AT work. I needed to sort of squeeze a lot of summer into the last couple weeks.
And I have managed a pretty good job.

The garden is in stasis, i need a second soaker hose, a little more garden soil and a bit more mulch and it's all watering and waiting and enjoying. A little pruning here, a few cuttings for the house there (roses are lovely right now! As is the cow parsnip, delphinium, columbine and the various yellow and orange daisy-like flowers from last year). Most of the seeds are up and happy and it looks like a miniature field out back right now.

The porch is shady and cool and fits two chairs nicely, sitting with coffee and a crossword in the am, a beer and a book in the pm, life is good!
I fixed up my bike in preparation for my summer of riding to work. I don't ride my bike to work much. The downtown traffic is unfriendly and stressful for biking at rush hour, which is when I am off work. And much of the year, it's also dark at that time. Going TO work is great, coming back, no fun. Since I work till 7 or 9 all week, it means I can come home when the streets are practically empty and it's nice and shady and cool. Much less stressful. Anyway, I got a street tire for the front wheel( the back wheel already has one. It's a mountain bike and the tires usually have thick tread, which slows you down on pavement and asphalt, you need little traction.) and a basket too. That way I can carry stuff! (Dur, but not on my back in the summer heat, yuk.) It rides so nice, I spiffied it up.

We've BBQed a few times. Last night a bunch of my co-workers came over and ran the Starlight Run, which is much fun and part of the June Festival of Roses events. The run begins and ends a block from my apt. They were a running science demo, it was great. They carried flasks of hot water with glo sticks and food coloring in them, and in the other hand, they carried...dry ice. Now the cool (pardon the pun) part of this demo is that as they ran, the carbon dioxide the dry ice was giving off was equivalent to the amount a car does in the 3.1 miles of the race! They had signs on their back explaining this and finishing with "One more reason to run!" It was excellent. And my co-workers were awesome, but one of our volunteers actualy ran as the Tram. That was elaborate! My favorite however was Waldo )of Where's Waldo fame)..and his sidekick, Rainbow Bright. There are always fun costumes in the Starlight Run and all I have to do is be home to watch it.

We capped the evening off with yummy BBQ, beer, potato salad and other goodies and great conversation. Much fun was had by all and it was a good way to kick off the summer and BW.

Matt and I have been...(hold your breath....) going OUT! Like, going for walks to...PLACES! We have been to both the Zoo and the Chinease Gardens in the last week or so. It was great. I am not a big big fan of zoos but it's still exciting to see a peacock, bald eagle, or mountain lion. It's sad when the bear is pacing. (Pacing is part of something that happens to animals in captivity when the go a little crazy from confinement, not enough space, and boredom.) We didn't get to see everything and the butterfly pavilion place wasn't open yet so maybe we will go back. We got a discount for taking the MAX in.

Today we went to the Chinese Gardens. It was so lovely. We had tea in the teahouse, relaxed and enjoyed the view. Nice day today.
Back to work tomorrow.

Next we may get up to the Japanese gardens or the Hoyt Arboretum.

I took pics at the zoo and of the race but the camera i used at the zoo was my little digital and I am afraid there were no good shots. And my big camera was too slow for the runners, the shutter just wouldn't snap fast enough so no good pics of that either. Maybe next time!

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